18 Things I’ve Learned in my 18 years of Existence

6 min readMay 27, 2019

Today, 27th day of May 2019. I just turned 18 years old but I realize so many things. I am enlightened to the things that happened and the things that is happening to me. So now, I will tell you the things I’ve learned being a human being here on the earth for a decade and eighth.

  1. Not all you wanted can be yours. While i was growing up, i always want something that i don’t really need, like a toy on the toy store, I usually cry before and when my parents don’t buy it and when i throw some tantrums? like every Filipino parents, they usually hit my a**. Looking back today, now I’m older. There’s some thing that never really changed but now it is not my a** hurts, It is my feelings because i cannot do anything to get what i wanted, all i can do is to watch to slip that away right in front of my eyes.
  2. Omnia Causa Fiunt. In english, Everything happens for a Reason. This is what I always think whenever bad or worse happens to me, I look for a small light behind those bad things because we only tend to look for what today is happening, we usually get mad to our Creator and to our own lives but when the right time comes? We will realize that it teaches us a good lesson for us to be a better person.
  3. Always find an Inspiration. Some of the people who committed suicide, killed themselves because there is no reason why they are living. Lack of Inspiration I guess? but when a person have an inspiration maybe one or two, It can be the light amidst of the darkness of a depressed person.
  4. Be Open minded. When i was growing up i am exposed to the real world. where sex is just a game for others, it is like finding a job experience. I know some terms, read and watch some erotic things maybe because i know that it is usually happening in the present but i don’t do it maybe because i have dreams that i need to fulfill plus i don’t have a boyfriend haha! When you learned to be open minded you can understand the things that are usually hard to understand and by that? you are amazing.
  5. Always seek His guidance. Whenever i had a bad time, I always pray. I seek for his guidance when I’m so anxious, I always read some motivational bible verses that can help me through my situation. Because no matter how cruel the world is, there is Someone that you can lean on and that is our Lord.
  6. Be Responsible. Sometimes we run into our responsibilities, we try to believe in lies that it’s not our fault but we have a thing here in out mind called “Conscience” that made us realize that we’re really wrong.
  7. You should be a Dreamer. Dreaming is popular to the kids, they want to be someone when they grew older but i realize, as a person you need to dream it is either a small or big. It may be a simple dream like grocery shopping to an Exclusive Grocery store in your town or maybe to be a clinical psychologist. It can help us to become to be our future self.
  8. Let your emotions out. This is what I’m practicing right now, I want to show people how sad, happy or mad I am because if I will keep it forever I can die through my situation. You need to vent out your feelings, you need someone to talk about what is wrong in your day, and you need to handle yourself as long as you can.
  9. Be more Practical. I was an impulsive buyer before, I don’t save money and I spend it all to the nonsense things because I know that in the end of the day I know that my mom would give me a money after. But I was wrong, I’ve learned that you should have your own money that you can spend when your parents don’t give you. You should think a hundred times if you’re going to buy something that is 3 times cheaper than a same thing. Besides it’s still the same after all.
  10. You should not be mad to a person for a long time. Being an introverted person, i hate people. I hate crowded place or maybe noisy people. I have pet peeves, when someone doesn’t flush the toilet, someone don’t lock the gate, someone who are always shouting and someone who is a liar. I get mad at the people around me, but it don’t last a day or a week. That madness can be a negative vibe into your life, don’t let that ruin you.
  11. You should not cross each others persons line. Some people are sensitive and some is insensitive like me. We always joke around to the people around us and sometimes they get mad because it’s too harsh. And like what I’ve learned, before saying something, you should think about it a couple of times if it can hurt a persons feeling.
  12. Always say sorry if it needed. I don’t get it when people don’t say sorry, it’s like stepping on into their pride like it’s going to make them less being a person. Whenever someone is hurt because of my action, i say sorry. It makes you to be a better person.
  13. Say THANK YOU all the time. This is the problem of our world, some of us can’t say thank you even if it’s just a little action. Saying thank you can make a persons day because they know that they have done a good thing even though it is just a small action.
  14. Stop begging people to stay. In my 18 years of existence, I always beg someone to stay to my life and it makes me more sad because in the end of the day whatever words you say, if they’re going to leave you, they will leave. So stop begging, start letting them know that they’re not a worth of your time.
  15. Be mature. As we grow older we go through into the phase in our life when we need to be mature. As I turned 18 I’m not a hundred percent mature enough to handle every situation but I do make sure that it’ll come soon. Like today, even my best friend on elementary and high school doesn’t remember my birthday but I’m not mad nor disappointed. I just know who really cares for me and remembering me on my birthday.
  16. Keep all of your promises. As I’ve promised to the person who’s not here with us anymore. I’ll continue to live even if it’s hard that I’ll show him what life is all about and why did he should keep on going.
  17. Acknowledge all of your flaws and imperfections. We are not perfect, we don’t have a perfect face nor body. Some have a long chin, some have a wide forehead, some have nose that is flat, some lips that is thin, some have stretch marks, some have scars, and all of us have a different color. If we look to those flaws and imperfections, it made us, us. For example myself. I am not Jenny if I don’t have large pores, I am not Jenny if I don’t have stretch marks, I am not Jenny if my legs are not wide, and I am not Jenny if I don’t have the imperfections that I have because;
  18. Self love is a must. Before we love someone, we should love ourselves. Acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses and by that? Everyone can love us because we are true to ourselves. We don’t need a mask to show up our good sides just for them to like us and somehow they can love us truly.

My theme songs for my birthday are Can’t take that away from Mariah Carey and This is Me by Keala Settle

